SEO Search Engine Optimization with Megan Ferrell

SEO Search Engine Optimization with Megan Ferrell

SEO, Search Engine Optimization Listen as I get schooled by Megan Ferrell of about SEO, Search Engine Optimization. Megan gives the listener some great tips and advice on how to improve your SEO ranking. Listeners of the podcast may remember Megan...
Dealing with a hacked website and Malware types.

Dealing with a hacked website and Malware types.

Dealing with a hacked website and Malware types. Virus/Malware/Ransomware/etc….Covering the differences and how they might affect you. Definitions resourced from Comodo   Differences between them all. Malware – Malware is software written specifically...
3 Free WordPress Managed Solutions

3 Free WordPress Managed Solutions

Minimum options needed for hosting and hosting further explained. Space (disk space) Small plans normally start at about 10G of disk space. Roughly 200 hours of music per month. Bandwidth (network connections) Small plans normally accommodate up to 10,000 unique...